Brit's Clinic

Being Healthy Matters

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The Be Like Brit Clinic

Proactive Health Care

Comprehensive Health Care

  • The orphanage houses a fully operational clinic that covers an area of 1,150 square feet. The clinic is staffed with two dedicated nurses who are responsible for providing essential medical care. This ensures that children, staff, and their families have access to necessary healthcare services, which contributes to their overall well-being and strength.

Emergency Medical Services

  • A significant development occurred in January 2017 when Be Like Brit was approved as a pre-designated Landing Zone for the Haiti Air Ambulance. This partnership allows for emergency air evacuations by helicopter, facilitating critical medical assistance during dire situations. This capability is crucial for providing a quick response to medical emergencies, thereby offering hope and saving lives within the community.

Preventative Health Care

  • Be Like Brit’s commitment to health extends beyond addressing immediate medical needs. The organization emphasizes the importance of preventative health care for all children in their care. This includes regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and health education to ensure that children grow up with a strong understanding of their health and well-being.

Broader Impact

Community Health Improvement

  • The services provided by Be Like Brit contribute to improving the overall health standards of the community. By ensuring access to medical care and emergency services, BLB plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life for its residents and the broader community in Haiti.

Health Education

  • Health education is a critical component of the care provided. Teaching children about health and wellness empowers them with knowledge and promotes a culture of health awareness and preventive care.

Resilience and Hope

  • The availability of medical services and the ability to respond quickly to emergencies provide a safety net that fosters resilience and hope among the children and community members, reinforcing the mission of Be Like Brit to support and uplift Haiti’s children.
nurse at be like brit doctors at brits home nurse at brits home doctor in haiti