Principles and Policies of Brit's Home

Nineteen Rights of the Children at the Be Like Brit Foundation

1. Right to Dignity and Respect

Every child is a unique treasure, deserving of love and respect. We treat each child as a precious gift, with kindness and consideration in every interaction. We recognize their inherent worth and always show them that they are valued and important.

Brit's Home: We always greet each child with a smile and a kind word, acknowledging their presence and making them feel seen and appreciated.

2. Right to Safety and Protection

Children must feel safe and secure. This means protecting them from harm, abuse, and neglect. We designed our environment so the children are confident to explore and grow without fear.

Brit's Home: All areas are child-proofed, and staff are trained to handle emergencies, creating a safe haven for the children. 24/7 365 12 security guards protect the children.

3. Right to Privacy

We respect each child's personal space and privacy. This includes their thoughts, belongings, and personal information, ensuring they feel valued and respected. We allow them their own space to retreat to when needed.

Brit's Home: Each child has a personal locker or space for their belongings, and we respect their need for alone time when requested.

4. Right to Health Care

Every child should has access to doctors, nurses, and medical care. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and mental health support are essential to keep them healthy and happy. Addressing health issues promptly ensures their well-being.

Brit's Home: Our onsite clinic provides essential care for all of our children. Every child has access to onsite psychologist and social worker.

5. Right to Education

Children deserve the best education to help them grow intellectually and prepare for a bright future. We provide opportunities for learning in a supportive and encouraging environment. Ensure access to books, educational materials, and skilled teachers.

Brit's Home: Our children attent our private school called Brit's Academy. We also organize daily tutoring sessions and provide a variety of educational resources tailored to each child's learning needs.

6. Right to Family Connections

Family first. Our children maintain relationships with their families, celebrating important events and staying connected with their roots. We frequently facilitate visits and communication with family members.

Brit's Home: Every other month we have open house where families can come visit.

7. Right to Personal Expression

We accept children for who they are. We encourage our children to express their thoughts and feelings freely. Listen to them, value their opinions, and support their self-expression in a safe environment. We provide tools and opportunities for creative expression.

Brit's Home: Every week we have art and writing workshops where children can freely express their emotions and ideas.

8. Right to Adequate Living Standards

Children have the right to nutritious food, clean clothing, and a healthy living environment. Ensure they have everything they need for their physical well-being. This includes providing a clean and comfortable living space.

Brit's Home: Serve balanced meals three times a day and ensure their living quarters are clean and well-maintained.

9. Right to Cultural and Religious Education

Every child has the right to explore and understand their cultural and religious heritage. Encourage respect for diversity and provide opportunities for learning about different cultures and religions. Celebrate their traditions and practices.

Brit's Home: Hold cultural events and religious education classes that reflect the diverse backgrounds of the children.

10. Right to Play and Recreation

Children have the right to play, engage in recreational activities, and explore their interests. Play is crucial for their physical, emotional, and social development. Provide a variety of activities to keep them engaged and active.

Brit's Home: Organize weekly sports days and creative workshops to encourage active participation and enjoyment.

11. Right to Participate in Decisions

Children should be involved in decisions affecting their lives, ensuring their voices are heard. This helps them feel valued and teaches them responsibility. Encourage them to share their thoughts and opinions.

Brit's Home: Hold regular meetings where children can voice their concerns and suggestions about their daily routines and activities.

12. Right to Emotional Support

Children have the right to receive support for their emotional and psychological needs. Provide counseling and create a nurturing environment where they feel safe to express their feelings. Help them build resilience and coping skills.

Brit's Home: Have a trained counselor available for regular sessions and whenever a child needs to talk.

13. Right to Equal Treatment

Every child has the right to be treated equally, without discrimination. Celebrate their unique qualities while ensuring fairness in all aspects of care and opportunities. Foster an inclusive environment.

Brit's Home: Implement anti-discrimination policies and ensure all children have equal access to resources and activities.

14. Right to a Family-like Environment

Children should live in a nurturing and supportive family-like atmosphere. Build strong relationships and create a sense of belonging. Encourage loving interactions among children and caregivers.

Brit's Home: Organize family-style meals where everyone sits together, shares stories, and builds connections.

15. Right to Personal Development

Children have the right to opportunities that foster their personal and social growth. Encourage them to explore their talents and interests. Provide resources and guidance to help them reach their full potential.

Brit's Home: Offer music, art, and sports programs tailored to each child's interests and abilities.

16. Right to Legal Protection

Children have the right to legal protection and advocacy when needed. Ensure they are represented and their rights are upheld. Provide support in legal matters affecting their well-being.

Brit's Home: Partner with legal organizations to offer free legal advice and representation for the children.

17. Right to Freedom from Exploitation

Children must be protected from all forms of exploitation, including child labor and abuse. Monitor their activities and surroundings to ensure their safety. Educate them about their rights.

Brit's Home: Conduct regular training for staff on identifying and preventing exploitation and abuse.

18. Right to Be Heard

Children should feel confident that their voices matter. Encourage them to express their concerns and provide platforms for their voices to be heard. Actively listen and respond to their needs.

Brit's Home: Set up suggestion boxes and regular forums where children can share their ideas and concerns.

19. Right to Personal Responsibility

Children have the right to learn about and take responsibility for their actions. Teach them the importance of accountability and the impact of their choices. Provide guidance to help them grow into responsible individuals.

Brit's Home: Create a chore rotation system where children contribute to daily tasks and learn the value of responsibility.

Thirty-Three Policies that Protect and Encourage Growth

1. Safety and Protection Policy

Ensure a safe and secure environment free from abuse and neglect, with regular safety audits and training for staff. Children should feel protected and cared for at all times. Implement strict protocols for emergencies and regular safety drills. Provide resources and training to handle any situation.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Conduct monthly safety audits and fix any identified issues promptly.
  • Train staff annually on child protection policies and emergency procedures.
  • Install security cameras and ensure controlled access to the facility.

2. Health and Wellness Policy

Provide regular medical check-ups, mental health support, and access to nutritious meals to promote overall well-being. Ensure children receive timely medical care and support for any health issues. Promote healthy lifestyle choices and habits. Offer resources and education for maintaining good health.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Schedule bi-annual health check-ups for all children.
  • Offer mental health counseling services and support groups.
  • Plan and serve balanced, nutritious meals every day.

3. Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

Maintain the confidentiality of children's personal information and respect their privacy in all interactions. Ensure that their personal details are protected and only shared with authorized personnel. Teach children about the importance of privacy. Create a safe space where children feel secure.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Use secure systems for storing personal information.
  • Train staff on confidentiality protocols and the importance of privacy.
  • Provide private spaces for children to talk and reflect.

4. Education Policy

Offer a comprehensive education program that includes formal schooling, vocational training, and life skills development. Ensure children have access to quality education tailored to their needs and interests. Encourage continuous learning and intellectual growth. Provide resources and support for educational success.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Partner with local schools to ensure children receive a formal education.
  • Offer vocational training programs for older children.
  • Provide life skills workshops, such as cooking, budgeting, and time management.

5. Family Involvement Policy

Encourage and facilitate regular contact with children's families, involving them in significant events and decisions. Recognize the importance of family connections for the children's emotional well-being. Create opportunities for family bonding and support. Maintain open communication with families.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Arrange regular family visit days and special events.
  • Communicate regularly with families about the children's progress.
  • Involve families in decision-making processes, such as Individual Life Plans.

6. Emotional Support Policy

Provide counseling and emotional support services to help children cope with trauma and build resilience. Create a nurturing environment where children feel safe to express their feelings. Offer resources for emotional growth and development. Promote mental health and well-being.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Have a licensed counselor available for regular and as-needed sessions.
  • Create support groups for children to share their experiences and feelings.
  • Implement mindfulness and relaxation activities, such as yoga and meditation.

7. Equal Treatment Policy

Ensure all children are treated equally, regardless of their background, and promote inclusivity in all activities. Celebrate diversity and teach children to respect differences. Foster an environment of fairness and equality. Provide equal access to resources and opportunities for all children.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Implement anti-discrimination training for all staff and children.
  • Ensure equal access to resources and opportunities for every child.
  • Celebrate cultural diversity with special events and activities.

8. Cultural and Religious Education Policy

Offer education and activities that celebrate and respect diverse cultural and religious practices. Provide opportunities for children to learn about their heritage and the traditions of others. Promote mutual respect and understanding. Celebrate diversity and encourage inclusivity.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Organize cultural festivals and religious observances for various traditions.
  • Provide religious education classes that cover a range of faiths.
  • Encourage children to share their cultural traditions with peers.

9. Recreational Activities Policy

Provide ample opportunities for play, sports, and recreational activities that support physical and social development. Ensure children have time for fun and relaxation. Promote active and healthy lifestyles. Create a variety of engaging activities for children to enjoy.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Schedule daily outdoor playtime and sports activities.
  • Offer a variety of recreational clubs, such as art, music, and drama.
  • Plan field trips and special outings to enrich children's experiences.

10. Participation and Decision-Making Policy

Involve children in decisions affecting their lives, respecting their opinions and encouraging active participation. Teach them about their rights and responsibilities. Foster a sense of ownership and empowerment. Encourage them to share their ideas and suggestions.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Hold regular meetings where children can voice their opinions and suggestions.
  • Involve children in planning activities and events.
  • Create a student council or advisory group to represent the children's interests.

11. Personal Space Policy

Ensure each child has personal space and belongings, promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility. Respect their need for privacy and individual space. Create a comfortable and homely environment where children feel secure.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Provide each child with a personal locker or storage space.
  • Design living areas that offer both communal and private spaces.
  • Allow children to decorate their personal space to reflect their personality.

12. Positive Guidance Policy

Implement positive behavior guidance practices that support self-esteem and constructive social interactions. Use encouragement and positive reinforcement to guide behavior. Avoid punitive measures. Focus on teaching and growth.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Use praise and rewards to reinforce positive behavior.
  • Implement a system of natural and logical consequences for misbehavior.
  • Teach problem-solving and conflict resolution skills.

13. Anti-Bullying Policy

Maintain a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and harassment, promoting a safe and respectful environment. Educate children about the impact of bullying and how to stand up against it. Provide support for victims and address incidents promptly.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Conduct anti-bullying workshops and activities.
  • Establish a reporting system for bullying incidents.
  • Offer counseling and support for both victims and perpetrators of bullying.

14. Support Network Policy

Build a strong support network of caregivers, mentors, and peers to provide emotional and social support. Ensure children have access to caring adults and positive role models. Foster a sense of community and belonging.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Match children with mentors who can provide guidance and support.
  • Create peer support groups for sharing experiences and advice.
  • Involve the local community in supporting the children's development.

15. Healthy Communication Policy

Foster open and honest communication between children and caregivers, teaching effective communication skills. Encourage children to express their thoughts and feelings freely. Create a supportive environment for dialogue.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Hold regular one-on-one check-ins with children to discuss their feelings and concerns.
  • Teach communication skills through role-playing and group activities.
  • Encourage active listening and respectful dialogue in all interactions.

16. Role Model Policy

Ensure all staff serve as positive role models for the children. Demonstrate behaviors and values the children should emulate. Maintain high standards of conduct and professionalism. Encourage children to look up to and learn from their caregivers.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Train staff on the importance of being a positive role model.
  • Encourage staff to share their personal experiences and lessons with children.
  • Recognize and reward staff who exemplify positive role model behaviors.

17. Creativity and Innovation Policy

Encourage creative expression through arts, music, and innovative problem-solving activities. Provide resources and opportunities for children to explore their creativity. Foster an environment that values imagination and originality.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Offer art and music classes where children can explore different mediums and styles.
  • Organize creativity workshops that challenge children to think outside the box.
  • Showcase children's creative works through exhibitions and performances.

18. Ethical Standards Policy

Uphold high ethical standards in all operations, ensuring transparency and accountability. Maintain integrity in decision-making and actions. Foster a culture of honesty and responsibility.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Develop a code of ethics for staff and volunteers.
  • Conduct regular audits and reviews of policies and practices.
  • Encourage open discussions about ethical dilemmas and solutions.

19. Achievement Celebration Policy

Regularly celebrate children's achievements and milestones, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment. Recognize their efforts and successes in all areas of development. Create a positive and encouraging environment.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Hold monthly award ceremonies to celebrate academic and personal achievements.
  • Display children's work and accomplishments in common areas.
  • Organize special events to mark significant milestones, such as birthdays and graduations.

20. Independence Preparation Policy

Equip children with the skills needed for independence, including financial literacy, job skills, and self-care. Provide training and resources to help them transition to adulthood. Encourage self-reliance and confidence.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Offer workshops on budgeting, cooking, and other life skills.
  • Provide opportunities for internships and job shadowing.
  • Teach children how to set goals and create action plans for their future.

21. Belonging and Inclusion Policy

Create an inclusive environment where every child feels they belong and are valued. Promote diversity and teach children to appreciate and respect differences. Foster a sense of community and acceptance.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Implement inclusive practices in all activities and programs.
  • Celebrate diverse cultural and religious holidays and traditions.
  • Encourage children to share their backgrounds and experiences with each other.

22. Adaptability Policy

Tailor care and education plans to meet the individual needs of each child, recognizing their unique strengths and challenges. Be flexible and responsive to their evolving needs. Provide personalized support and guidance.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Develop Individual Life Plans (ILPs) for each child, regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Offer one-on-one tutoring and support for children with specific learning needs.
  • Adapt activities and programs to accommodate different abilities and interests.

23. Positive Health Habits Policy

Promote healthy lifestyles through physical activity, balanced diets, and health education. Encourage children to develop habits that support their long-term well-being. Provide resources and support for healthy living.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Schedule daily physical activities, such as sports and exercise classes.
  • Plan and serve balanced meals with input from a nutritionist.
  • Offer health education workshops on topics like hygiene, nutrition, and fitness.

24. Hope and Optimism Policy

Foster a positive outlook and inspire hope in every child, encouraging them to believe in their future. Create an environment of encouragement and support. Help children set and achieve their goals.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Share stories of successful individuals who have overcome challenges.
  • Celebrate small victories and progress towards larger goals.
  • Provide mentorship and guidance to help children envision and plan for their future.

25. Technology Use Policy

Introduce children to appropriate technology use, enhancing their learning and development responsibly. Provide access to digital tools and resources. Teach them how to use technology safely and effectively.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Set up computer labs with educational software and internet access.
  • Offer digital literacy classes to teach children how to use technology responsibly.
  • Use technology to enhance learning, such as interactive lessons and online research.

26. Rest and Recreation Policy

Ensure a balanced daily schedule with time for rest, reflection, and recreational activities. Recognize the importance of downtime for overall well-being. Provide a variety of activities to keep children engaged and relaxed.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Plan daily schedules that include quiet time, physical activity, and creative play.
  • Offer relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness and meditation sessions.
  • Organize weekend outings and recreational trips to provide a break from routine.

27. Legal Rights Policy

Safeguard children's legal rights and provide access to legal representation and advocacy when needed. Ensure their rights are upheld in all matters. Offer support and guidance in legal issues.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Partner with legal organizations to provide pro bono legal services.
  • Educate children about their legal rights and how to advocate for themselves.
  • Ensure children have representation in any legal proceedings affecting them.

28. Exploitation Prevention Policy

Protect children from all forms of exploitation, including child labor and abuse. Implement strict monitoring and reporting systems. Educate children about their rights and how to seek help.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Conduct regular training for staff on identifying and preventing exploitation.
  • Establish a clear reporting system for any suspected exploitation.
  • Teach children how to recognize and report exploitation or abuse.

29. Voice and Response Policy

Encourage children to voice their concerns and provide platforms for their voices to be heard. Actively listen and respond to their needs. Ensure they feel valued and respected.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Set up suggestion boxes and hold regular forums for children to share their ideas.
  • Implement a feedback system where children can express their concerns.
  • Act on children's suggestions and concerns promptly, showing they are valued.

30. Behavioral Support Policy

Provide positive behavioral support that encourages self-discipline and social skills. Use constructive strategies to guide behavior. Avoid punitive measures and focus on teaching and growth.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Implement a reward system for positive behavior and achievements.
  • Use restorative practices to address conflicts and teach empathy.
  • Offer behavior management workshops for children to learn self-regulation skills.

31. Personal Development Plan Policy

Create individualized life plans for each child, focusing on their personal goals and development. Regularly review and update these plans. Provide tailored support and resources to help children achieve their aspirations.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Develop an Individual Life Plan (ILP) for each child, detailing their goals and needs.
  • Hold regular meetings to review and adjust ILPs based on progress and changes.
  • Provide specific resources and support to help children achieve their goals.

32. Relationship Building Policy

Foster healthy and supportive relationships among children and between children and caregivers. Encourage bonding and mutual respect. Create a family-like atmosphere where everyone feels valued.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Organize team-building activities and group projects.
  • Encourage regular family-style meals and shared responsibilities.
  • Provide opportunities for children and caregivers to bond through shared activities.

33. Lifelong Learning Policy

Encourage a love for learning and personal growth, promoting continuous education and self-improvement. Provide opportunities for ongoing learning and development. Support children in their pursuit of knowledge.

At Brit's Home we:
  • Offer a variety of classes and workshops on different subjects and skills.
  • Encourage participation in educational programs and extracurricular activities.
  • Provide resources for self-directed learning, such as books and online courses.