Ensuring the Future

Security at BLB

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At all costs necessary

Keeping Brit's Kids Safe

Since its inception, Be Like Brit has steadfastly prioritized the safety and security of our children and staff. In a country like Haiti, where the socio-political landscape is tumultuous, ensuring security is more crucial than ever. The challenges are immense—poverty, environmental degradation, political instability, and a tragic presidential assassination have all contributed to nationwide chaos.

Our Commitment to Safety

In response to these challenges, Be Like Brit is taking extraordinary measures to protect Brit's Home and secure a hopeful future for Haiti. We've significantly bolstered our security infrastructure, reflecting our unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of our community.

Our Enhanced Security Measures Include:

  • Expanded Security Team: Our regular security staff of twelve has been reinforced with five additional armed security guards, ensuring round-the-clock protection for our children and staff.
  • Advanced Communication Systems: We've installed a security satellite telephone system, providing a reliable communication link even in the most adverse conditions.
  • Surveillance Upgrades: The addition of state-of-the-art security cameras ensures constant monitoring and swift response to any potential threats.
  • Physical Barriers: A new retaining security wall has been constructed around our transition homes, adding an extra layer of protection.

#StepstoSecurity Campaign

These enhancements are part of our new #StepstoSecurity campaign, emphasizing our proactive approach to safety. By putting safety first, we are not only protecting our current residents but also ensuring that Brit's Home continues to be a sanctuary where children can grow and thrive.

Your Role in Our Mission

By donating to Be Like Brit, you become a vital part of our mission to provide a safe, nurturing environment for the next generation of Haitian leaders. Your support helps us maintain and further develop our security measures, ensuring that our children can focus on their education, personal growth, and future aspirations without fear.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Together, we can make a profound impact. Your generosity will directly contribute to the safety and security of our children, enabling them to build a brighter future for themselves and their country. Donate today and be a part of the solution. Help us keep Brit's Home a place of hope, love, and security.

malnurished boys in haiti homeless grandmother cleaning up outside