With the children on Easter holiday from school this past week having just wrapped up from taking their quarterly exams for their report cards it was an especially busy and hectic week here at Be Like Brit We also had the pleasure of hosting the Asnuntuck Communi...
Mar 27, 2016
by Jonathan Lamare
We recently had the pleasure of hosting Mark and Judy Bloomberg as longterm Britsionarys Our longterm program is designed to bring professional level volunteers to Haiti and contribute to the overall programming in a meaningful and significant way...
by Jonathan Lamare
Feb 22, 2016
Welcome to Be Like Brit our Haiti home Together Len and I raised Britney Bernie and Richie in a house filled with love While we were building Brits Orphanage in the months and years after her death we knew that we wanted Be Like Brit to be a ho...
by Cherylann Gengel
Feb 18, 2016
One of the greatest thing about our Britsionary program in my opinion is the fact that not only does it build homes for those in need here in the area around Be Like Brit but it builds lasting friendships and bonds between volunteers and helps to ...
by Jonathan Lamare
Jan 31, 2016
If you were to tune into your nightly news or to run a Google search on Haiti you would almost certainly think that the world was coming to an end down here Google results still include images of the earthquake almost exclusively more than six yea...
by Jonathan Lamare
Jan 24, 2016
This past week at Be Like Brit was special for a number of reasons We hosted an incredible group from College of the Holy Cross who built a home for one of our own security guards who is expecting his first child with his girlfriend in the coming ...
by Jonathan Lamare
Jan 17, 2016
As the sun rises this morning of January 10 2016 we here in Haiti wake up in a home which is very filled with love and laughter Our 66 children and our group of Britsionarys enjoyed a safe and secure night climbing into clean beds with full bellie...
by Jonathan Lamare
Jan 10, 2016
In just two days on January 5th we will mark three full years since the dedication of Brits Orphanage in an ecumenical ceremony held before more than a hundred family and friends here in Grand Gove We cant quite wrap our heads around the fact that...
by Jonathan Lamare
Jan 03, 2016
Last week I had the pleasure of flying back in to Haiti from Boston with the Chair of our Program Committee Christine Steinwand and another program committee member Suzanne Brady Chris and Suzanne have been committed to Be Like Brit from the early...
by Jonathan Lamare
Dec 13, 2015
Its been quite the week for us at Be Like Brit both in Haiti and in the USA While we welcomed a visit from Cherylann who kept us all busy with planning all the amazing things were working on for 2016 were also busy in the USA planning for the Chri...
by Jonathan Lamare
Dec 06, 2015
We hope that all of our friends enjoyed a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday Despite some of the very sad events happening around our world from natural disasters war political crises gun violence and more we do have much to be thankful for While...
by Jonathan Lamare
Nov 29, 2015
Hello from Haiti I realized this past week that its been a while since Ive written a blog update With my travel to the US for our annual Fall Gala which was held on November 7 2015 at the DCU Center in Worcester followed by a weeklong vacation for...
by Jonathan Lamare
Nov 22, 2015
There are many tragedies in this world that make us hold our breath and say why The Cowardly act of many terrorist in Paris the other day will be a day that will be on our minds for many decades to come The 129 victims and their families will neve...
by Len Gengel
Nov 15, 2015
How Sweet It IsMelissaJean Provost Have you ever had one of those moments where youve closed your eyes felt the cool breeze and warm sunshine rush across your face and you knew you were exactly where you were supposed to be The time stopped you ...
by Melissa-Jean Provost
Nov 09, 2015
Over Columbus Weekend a group of women joined together and soon became a group of friends who experienced an amazing four days at Be Like Brit With the help and leadership of Cherylann Gengel Eileen Terry and Jonathan LaMare we learned what love a...
by Jonathan LaMare
Nov 09, 2015
We are so fortunate to have the support of thousands of people from all over the world Our Facebook page actually generates a weekly report or us and we were excited to see that we have followers all over the world Japan Australia all over Europe ...
by Jonathan LaMare
Nov 09, 2015